I decided write my first newsletter as a quick sample to show you the difference in its details vs Twitter.
Guess what? I recently had two of my tweets go big. One got 165k views and the other 38.3k views, with me having only around 600 followers. Now, which tweet do you think got me more followers? Yup, the one with fewer views!
Crazy, right? But it's true.
You see, the first tweet was about a Twitter bug, something many folks can relate to. But it wasn't exactly something that people who'd like my business-building talks would click on.
(Link to the original post on the screenshot)
The other tweet? Well, it was about my own journey in building companies. It was a perfect match for the kind of folks I want to connect with.
(Link to the original post on the screenshot)
Here are Twitter Analytics snapshot of each and the break down.
The difference is huge. The impression is 23.25%, yet the profile visits was 3 times more and 13 times in its conversion rate!
Based on my experience, ‘New Followers’ don’t mean much. I can tell you the day Post 1 went viral, I got <50 followers vs Post 2 gave me 120+ followers.
Here's what I'm getting at:
The kind of people who visit your website MATTERS.
Think of it like people visiting your shop. You can have a lot of people just looking around or you can have a few who really buy something. The latter is what you want, right?
A lot of folks just want to get as many people to their shop or website. But it's not about how many people visit, it's about having the right kind of people who will actually stick around or buy something.
This is no different than your landing page traffic to paid customer conversion.
Many are obsessed with how to drive traffic to their landing and PH Launch seems to be a popular option. A spike to your landing is nice, but there are so much noise in that traffic.
If you are in for a long game that can become a sustainable business, the focus should not be about absolute number in the traffics or increase in MRR.
What you really want is to find a steady source of the right kind of people, the kind that are likely to become your customers. It is more about figuring out repeatable distribution channel with consistent conversion rate. Building a sustainable business is all about optimizing for these two factors + low churns
Once you figure that out, you can keep doing what works to scale your business. Rinse and Repeat. It is as simple as that.
Focus on figuring out something that is repeatable. Low quality traffic just makes it 10x harder if not impossible
What is more important is the QUALITY of traffic, not the QUANTITY of traffic in the early days.
For my MVP, I already shared that I don’t plan to announce on Twitter or do a PH launch. I will use the hype once I have figured out my funnel and have a solid product & landing page that converts - probably a few iterations needed.